Saturday, 6 October 2012


I know this sounds very negative but I am having a hard time with the RSS thingy. I have managed to get a Twit account and post one too but can't seem to get further. Am I being very thick? But shall keep trying.


  1. Hi. Please don't be disheartened as you're doing really well.

    Is there something in particular you are struggling with RSS? Let me know & I'll help if I can.

    Twitter does take a little while to take off! Now you have an account try following some other course participants (look at who is following the 12ThingsEOE account. Search for people you know - look at who they follow for ideas of people you could follow,

    I hope that helps


    1. Thanks for your sympathetic blog. I realised at work that my computer at home is not up to scratch for the task (i have an antiquated machine at home and I guess the software hasn't been updated). At work I did manage to get the RSS thingy going but I still can't grasp how it works, and what the link between blog, twitter and RSS is? I'll keep at it and definitely get back to you if I am stuck. Thanks again
