Thursday, 29 November 2012

I have enjoyed twitter but have been flooded by many U tubes and not all of them of interest. I don't think I like that in my Tweet. But the plus side, it was so easy to request a song to be played on a radio show.
I have managed to download the Zotero system at home - work will not allow us to download anything. But how to use this as most of our references are done at work.
I could not get along with Mendely - it kept on coming in German and I could not change it to English.
Of all the tasks I have enjoyed is blogging, tweeter, flickr, slideshare.
Let us see what else we have in store.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Thing 4

Well, I knuckled down and did the Thing 4 on Saturday and must say I quite enjoyed doing the Slideshare, Prezi (I struggled with this one as my first Prezi didn't load for some reason), UTube and Flickr. I hope some of you have seen my random photos on twitter.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Another slideshow downloaded!!

Just found a slideshow on libraries which I thought was interesting and have managed to download. Quite enjoying this really. I didn't realise that it was required by law for prisons to have libraries!libraries-121104123217-phpapp02.pdf

Slideshare - not too difficult after all!!

Hi and Phew - just managed to do Task1 of Thing 4 - I am amazed at myself. I managed to download a slideshow.

Creative deficient

Oh dear! Thing 4 is all about being creative. Unfortunately, I don't have a single creative bone in my body. Whatever am I going to do?

Monday, 15 October 2012

Google docs/google/drive

Just managed to do task 2 of Thing 3. Still trying to figure out task 1.

Saturday, 6 October 2012


I know this sounds very negative but I am having a hard time with the RSS thingy. I have managed to get a Twit account and post one too but can't seem to get further. Am I being very thick? But shall keep trying.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

New blogging list

Hello, everyone out there. Tomorrow we start a new thing which I am looking forward to. After much struggle, I think I have got the hang of blogging. But still not sure how you start a new list for other bloggers.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Hi, I am seeing some amazing pictures on others blogs and am really impressed.  The icing on the cakes was wonderful. Well done!! I was in Canada recently so thought I would share a picture taken in the Rocky Mountains. It is a truly beautiful place to visit.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Well, I have managed to download a picture so I guess that is progress. More work to do on the background etc.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Hi everyone, I was so relieved to at last see my blog. I have been struggling since Saturday and still don't know how I have managed it. I have been able to see others blogs and comments so at least that was something. Now need to work with other things that one can do with a blog.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

AAghh!! Still can't find my blog!!!
Thought I would go back and look at the blog I posted yesterday and seem to have got myself into a right tangle. Am I being very thick? I still haven't found it.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Thing 1 and 12 thingseoe

When I was first told about the 12 things before Christmas, I was reluctant to take on a new challenge in my already busy schedule. But now that I have decided to take it on, I am really excited about it. It did take me a while to get a new gmail account and then take on a new identity for the blog. So many usernames, passwords in our lives already exist and now some more. But one learns to cope so here goes.